6 Best Dynamic Microphones Under $100 in 2024

Are you searching for a high-quality dynamic microphone without breaking the bank? Look no further! Dynamic microphones are beloved for their durability, versatility, and excellent sound quality, making them a staple for live performances, podcasters, and home studios alike. With the myriad of options available, we’ve scoured the market to bring you the very best dynamic mics you can snag for under $100. Whether you’re a budding musician, an aspiring podcaster, or just in need of a reliable audio solution, our curated list will help you make an informed decision without straining your wallet. Let’s dive in and discover your next great audio companion.

When shopping for the best dynamic microphone under $100, it’s crucial to consider several key criteria to ensure you’re getting a great value microphone that meets your needs. Here’s a quick guide to selecting the best options available:

1. Sound Quality: Look for a microphone that delivers crisp, clear audio. The sound should be true to the source without distorting at high volume levels.

2. Durability: Since dynamic microphones are often used for live performances and can take some rough handling, opt for one with a solid build that can withstand a few bumps or drops.

3. Versatility: Consider whether the microphone can handle different audio sources well, such as vocals, instruments, or even amplifiers. A versatile microphone will serve you in a variety of settings.

4. Frequency Response: This determines the range of sound a microphone can pick up. A good dynamic microphone should have a wide frequency response to capture the full spectrum of sounds accurately.

5. Brand Reputation and Reviews: Research the manufacturer and read user reviews to gauge the reliability of the microphone. Other users’ experiences can be very telling about the performance and longevity of the product.

6. Additional Features: Look for useful features such as an on/off switch, a detachable cable, or the inclusion of a stand or case—additional factors that can provide better value for your purchase.

Now, let’s dive into the listicle reviewing the best dynamic microphones under $100 based on these criteria.

Here’s a simplified comparison table:

MicrophonePrice (approx.)TypePolar PatternFrequency ResponseSensitivityAdditional Features
Shure SM58$99DynamicCardioid50 Hz to 15 kHz54.5 dBV/Pa (1.85 mV)Built for durability, pneumatic shock-mount system
Audio-Technica ATR2100x-USB$99DynamicCardioid50 Hz to 15 kHzNot specifiedUSB/XLR output, built-in headphone jack with volume control
Sennheiser e835$99DynamicCardioid40 Hz to 16 kHz2.7 mV/PaDesigned for clarity and projection, minimal proximity effect
Behringer Ultravoice XM8500$20DynamicCardioid50 Hz to 15 kHz70 dBIntegrated shock mount system, ultra-wide frequency response
Samson Q2U$60DynamicCardioid50 Hz to 15 kHz54 dBV/Pa (1.9 mV)USB/XLR output, includes desktop stand and cables
Hollyland Lark M1 $59 (Solo Kit)Wireless LavalierOmnidirectional20 Hz to 20 kHzNot specifiedHearClear, Auto-pairing, Noise-Canceling, and lightweight

*Prices can vary depending on the retailer and region.

I mentioned only cardinal features and specifications to keep things simple. There might be other specs like impedance, construction materials, and included accessories, which could also be important depending on the use case. If you’re speaking to an audience that may be interested in these aspects, you might consider adding them to the table as well.

Shure SM58

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The Shure SM58 is a legendary microphone that is synonymous with reliability and versatility. After using this mic in various situations – from podcasting in a quiet room to letting a garage band record some rough vocals – I have found it to be exceptional for its price. Its sound quality is remarkable, delivering a warm and clear output that enhances vocal presence beautifully. The durability of the SM58 is no joke; it feels like it can survive any accidental drops or the rough handling a mic might face on stage.

The SM58’s cardioid pickup pattern does an outstanding job at isolating the main sound source while minimizing background noise. I’ve noticed this feature comes in extremely handy in live performances where ambient noise can be a problem. This mic has been a go-to for many because it handles loud sound sources without distortion, making it a smart choice for both singers and public speakers.


  • Type: Dynamic
  • Frequency Response: 50 to 15,000 Hz
  • Polar Pattern: Cardioid
  • Impedance: 150 ohms
  • Output Level: -54.5 dBV/Pa (1.85 mV)


  • Exceptional build quality; it’s nearly indestructible.
  • Offers consistent vocal reproduction.
  • Successfully minimizes background noise.
  • Proven track record across various applications.


  • Some might find it lacks the high-frequency details for studio recording.
  • Heavier than some modern microphones, which might be a concern in portable applications.
  • Doesn’t come with a case or additional accessories.


The Shure SM58 typically hovers just under $100. While it may be at the top end of the budget spectrum, this microphone offers value that far surpasses its cost.

My personal opinion? The Shure SM58 is a must-have for anyone who needs a reliable, high-quality dynamic microphone without breaking the bank. Its performance is so tried and true that it rarely disappoints, making it a safe bet for those looking to invest in a solid, all-around microphone. Whether you’re a budding podcaster, a musician on a budget, or someone who needs a sturdy mic for events, the SM58 stands out as a top contender that’s worth every penny.

Audio-Technica ATR2100x-USB

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The Audio-Technica ATR2100x-USB might not have the immediate name recognition when pitted against industry staples like the Shure SM58, but it shines as a dark horse in the dynamic microphone space—especially under the 100-dollar price point. Having had a good amount of hands-on time with this mic, I can confidently say that it’s a versatile juggernaut marrying quality with convenience.

What immediately stands out is its dual-output design. You’re getting both USB and XLR outputs, offering you a plethora of connectivity options—plug it straight into your computer for a quick podcast session or route it through a traditional mixer for more complex audio setups. However, what truly impresses is its consistent sound quality. The ATR2100x-USB provides a clear and robust audio reproduction, with a knack for capturing vocals with precision and warmth, befitting both amateur podcasters and burgeoning musicians.


  • Type: Dynamic
  • Polar Pattern: Cardioid
  • Frequency Response: 50 – 15,000 Hz
  • Connectivity: USB-C, XLR
  • Additional Features: Built-in headphone jack with volume control, durable metal construction


  • Versatility is king here, with the ATR2100x-USB effortlessly switching between USB and XLR setups.
  • Audio clarity is commendable, with a sound profile that punches well above its weight and price class.
  • The inclusion of a headphone jack for live monitoring is a thoughtful touch that elevates the user experience.
  • It’s quite user-friendly, requiring minimal setup time and technical know-how, which is perfect for those just getting their feet wet in audio recording or podcasting.


  • While the build quality is solid, the plastic elements on the mic give it a slightly less premium feel compared to some rivals.
  • The microphone’s lower end doesn’t capture the same depth of sound that you might find in more expensive dynamic mics, which might be a consideration for bass enthusiasts.


Typically, the Audio-Technica ATR2100x-USB hovers just under $100, which is an impressive feat given its range of features and performance. It strikes me as a product that delivers excellent value for money, often outperforming what you might expect at this price tier. Keep an eye out for sales, as you can sometimes snag this gem at an even more wallet-friendly price, enhancing its value proposition further.

In conclusion, the ATR2100x-USB from Audio-Technica is a standout choice for anyone seeking quality audio on a budget. Its nuanced balance between functionality, performance, and price makes it a shining example of value in the sea of sub-$100 dynamic microphones. Whether you’re gearing up for a gig, laying down a podcast, or simply seeking a reliable tool for quality audio recording, this microphone deserves your consideration.

Sennheiser e835 Dynamic Microphone Review

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The Sennheiser e835 stands out in the crowded sub-$100 microphone market for a variety of reasons, and it packs quite a punch in its price bracket. Upon first glance, you’ll notice its solid build quality and sleek design. It’s a cardioid dynamic microphone, which essentially means it’s designed to capture sound from the front while minimizing noise from the sides and rear, ideal for live performances and studio work alike.

From my experience, the e835 brings clarity and detail to vocal performances, something you’d usually expect in higher-priced microphones. It feels balanced, both in the hand and in sonic character, with a noticeable proximity effect that adds warmth when you get up close – perfect for both singers and podcasters who want that rich, radio-style voice. The microphone is also quite forgiving with plosives and sibilance, making it a great choice for those without extensive audio editing skills.

Handling noise is minimal, thanks to its durable construction, meaning you can move around with confidence during energetic performances or presentations. It excels in live settings, with its cardioid pattern offering ample feedback rejection. In a studio context, the e835 continues to impress with its natural sound reproduction, capturing the essence of the source without unwanted coloration.


  • Type: Dynamic
  • Pickup Pattern: Cardioid
  • Frequency Response: 40Hz to 16kHz
  • Connector: XLR-3
  • Output Impedance: 350 ohms


  • Exceptional build quality for the price point; it feels like it can withstand regular use on the road.
  • Very effective at rejecting off-axis sounds, which means less background noise in your recordings or PA system.
  • Conveys a warm, clear tone that enhances vocal presence and intelligibility, without the need for extensive EQ.
  • Handling noise is minimal, so it’s suitable for dynamic performances or when you can’t stay put at a mic stand.


  • Lacks the versatility of some other microphones that include on-board features like a high-pass filter or a dB pad.
  • Some users might prefer a more extended high-frequency response for a brighter sound, which this microphone doesn’t emphasize as much.


At under $100, the price-to-performance ratio of the Sennheiser e835 is impressive. It’s an investment for not only those on a budget but also for anyone who values sonic clarity and robust durability. It definitely holds its own against more expensive competitors and often exceeds the expectations set by its price tag.

Please note that specific prices can vary based on the retailer, location, and any ongoing promotions or sales. It’s always best to shop around for the best deal. Overall, the Sennheiser e835 is a microphone that offers reliability and quality, making it a smart choice for anyone looking to elevate their audio without breaking the bank.

Behringer Ultravoice XM8500

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Dynamic microphones are a staple for vocal and instrument recording, especially when budget is a concern. Among the myriad of options, finding the best one under $100 can be a real treasure hunt. Let’s dive into the details of product number 4 on our list, which stands out for its performance and value.


The Behringer Ultravoice XM8500 has garnered a reputation for providing solid performance at a fraction of the cost of its competitors. This microphone feels rugged, looks professional, and is often compared to the more renowned mics in the same category, surprising users with its reliability and sound quality. In my experience, the XM8500 has proven itself as a workhorse, capable of delivering clear and crisp vocals, whether you’re in a home studio or live setting.


  • Type: Dynamic
  • Polar Pattern: Cardioid
  • Frequency Response: 50 Hz to 15 kHz
  • Impedance: 150 Ohms
  • Connector: XLR


  • The sound quality is exceptionally good for its price point, with a warmth that rivals more expensive microphones.
  • It boasts a sturdy build that could take a few hits, making it reliable for regular use.
  • The cardioid pick-up pattern does an excellent job at isolating the main sound source and minimizing background noise, which is ideal for both studio and stage environments.


  • It lacks some of the finer nuances and the extended high-frequency response of higher-end mics, which might be an issue for those seeking a more refined sound.
  • It comes without any extras – no cable, stand, or carrying case – meaning additional purchases will be necessary.


Priced around $20-$30, the Behringer XM8500 is a steal. While its affordability stands out, it does not cut corners where it counts. You’re getting a microphone that can hold its own against pricier alternatives, making it a top contender for those on a budget.

Final Thoughts

The Behringer Ultravoice XM8500 is the underdog of dynamic microphones in the sub-$100 category. It’s hard to dismiss the value this mic brings to the table. While it may not satisfy the most discerning audiophiles looking for premium features, it admirably meets the needs of podcasters, musicians, and vocalists who need dependable quality without breaking the bank.

Samson Q2U

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The Samson Q2U is the Swiss Army knife of budget dynamic microphones, marrying versatility with performance in a way that makes it a standout contender for anyone dipping their toes into audio recording, podcasting, or simple voice-over work under a $100 budget. The Q2U is an underrated gem that often plays second fiddle to more popular names like the Shure SM58, but let me assure you, it holds its own with confidence. The microphone’s greatest strength lies in its dual USB/XLR capabilities, which means it can grow with you: you can start with direct USB connections for simple, home setups and transition to XLR as your setup becomes more sophisticated.


  • Microphone Type: Dynamic
  • Polar Pattern: Cardioid
  • Frequency Response: 50Hz-15kHz
  • Connectivity: XLR and USB
  • Additional Features: On/Off switch, Plug and Play, Headphone Jack for Zero-Latency Monitoring


  • The Q2U offers remarkable versatility with its USB and XLR connections. It’s incredibly user-friendly, plugging into your computer or soundboard without a hassle.
  • The sound quality is punchy and clear, especially in the mids and highs, which is fantastic for vocal clarity.
  • It has a built-in headphone jack, allowing real-time monitoring that can help users correct issues on the fly—a big plus for live recording scenarios.
  • The build quality feels solid in hand, durable enough to handle the inevitable bumps and knocks of a portable setup.


  • The lower frequency response can sometimes make the bass sound less pronounced, which might not suit all voices or instruments.
  • While the mic is good at rejecting background noise, it’s not quite at the elite level of some higher-priced dynamic microphones. This can be an issue in noisier environments.

The Samson Q2U usually hovers around the $70 mark, which is a steal in my opinion. For what it offers, the price-to-performance ratio is off the charts. This microphone is a budget-friendly powerhouse that will give you most of the features of higher-priced microphones for a fraction of the cost.

In conclusion, don’t overlook the Samson Q2U when rifling through options for a sub-$100 dynamic microphone. It provides exceptional value and adaptability for newcomers, alongside ample quality to appease seasoned audiophiles on a budget. It’s evident that the engineers at Samson have poured heart and know-how into this unit, and it’s well-deserving of a closer look if you’re after top-notch audio without breaking the bank.

Hollyland Lark M1

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The Hollyland Lark M1 is an alternative to dynamic microphones under $100. This wireless mic kit is made for one-person and two-person (simultaneous) audio recording. Opening the box gives you an attractive and sturdy charging case, a single or pair of transmitters (depending on your selected version), and a receiver. Using the auto frequency hopping technology, this microphone can help you record professional-grade audio interference-free up to 650ft.

hollyland lark m1 compact lavalier microphone

Hollyland Lark M1

Wireless Lavalier Microphone with High-Quality Audio.

In contrast to popular dynamic microphone brands and models, the Hollyland Lark M1 has a unique audio reproduction process that sounds 10 times better than most mics in the market. One of the secrets to its outstanding performance is the inclusion of the HearClear noise-canceling feature. This functionality offers superior sound quality by filtering unwanted ambient noises. As a result, all you hear is a crystal-clear voice. 

But what about the reliability of the units in terms of durability and convenience? The quick answer is ‘solid material and rock solid presentation.’ Once removed from the charging case, the transmitter and receiver automatically pair. Moreover, you can record audio for up to 8 hours on a fully charged transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX). 


  • Type: Wireless Lavalier
  • Frequency Response: 20 to 20,000 Hz
  • Polar Pattern: Omnidirectional
  • Operating range: 650ft 
  • Max Audio Channels per Receiver: 2
  • Audio Codec: LC3
  • Sample Rate: 48 kHz
  • Bit Depth: 16-bit
  • TX and RX battery life: 8 hours
  • TX and RX charging time: 1.5 hours


  • It has better features than a regular dynamic mic
  • The noise-canceling features perform great at reducing unwanted noises
  • You can use this mic in any environment without worrying about the sound dropout
  • This wireless microphone is a real time-saver since you can charge all units at the same time


  • If you are looking for a typical dynamic microphone with a traditional hand-held design, this isn’t for you


The Hollyland Lark M1’s solo kit (1TX and 1RX) falls under $100, ranging between $59 to $65, depending on your marketplace. For instance, if you look at Amazon US, you will find the new solo kit for $59.00.

I think that one of the best things about this microphone is its lightweight and small size. So having a Lark M1 is like using a condenser mic without getting your hand tired and having better functionalities under a compact body. However, the biggest advantage of this wireless microphone in terms of size is ease of use for extended hours during important shoots and without getting into complicated setups and configurations.

hollyland lark m1 compact lavalier microphone

Hollyland Lark M1

Wireless Lavalier Microphone with High-Quality Audio.


Choosing the best dynamic microphone under $100 doesn’t mean compromising on quality. As we’ve seen, affordability meets versatility and performance in this price range. Whether it’s for podcasts, music, or live performances, there’s a microphone that fits your needs without breaking the bank. Remember to consider factors like durability, sound quality, and compatibility with your setup. Rest assured, each option reviewed promises to elevate your audio experience, offering clean, articulate sound that defies the modest investment.


  1. What makes a dynamic microphone good for beginners?
    Dynamic microphones are typically rugged, easy to use, and less sensitive to moisture and loud sounds, which makes them ideal for beginners who might be using them in various settings.
  2. Can dynamic microphones be used for both live performances and studio recording?
    Yes, they are quite versatile and often used for both live performances due to their durability and resistance to feedback, and for studio recording, especially for instruments like guitar amps and drums.
  3. Do I need any additional equipment to use a dynamic microphone with my computer?
    In most cases, you will need an audio interface or a microphone preamp to connect a dynamic microphone to your computer. This converts the analog signal into a digital signal that your computer can use.


John Doe

John Doe

I am John, a tech enthusiast with a knack for breaking down complex camera, audio, and video technology. My expertise extends to social media and electronic gadgets, and I thrive on making the latest tech trends understandable and exciting for everyone. Sharing my knowledge through engaging content, I aim to connect with fellow tech lovers and novices alike, bringing the fascinating world of technology to life.

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11 Best Dynamic Microphones in 2024

Dynamic microphones are suitable for studio recordings and live performances. They have excellent durability and are also inexpensive compared to condenser microphones. So, whether you