How To Direct Message (Dm) On Threads? [Step by Step]

Just imagine a social media app that has the power to overtake Twitter uniquely just after its launch. Yes, we are talking about the threads app powered by Meta. However, 100 million users have signup to the Twitter alternative. At the same time, when this app is already making an impact, it may not have a direct messaging feature. This may leave you wondering how to direct messages on threads. The problem is that you can’t. Even though being a part of meta, Threads lacks a direct message function. However, do not worry! You can still have private conversations with your pals. In this post, we will discuss how to message someone privately. 

Can You Direct Message On Threads?

Essentially, “Direct Messaging” is one feature that users demand from all social media platforms. DM allows social users to connect privately and directly, bridging gaps. It is crucial to develop relationships online. 

However, Threads does not allow sending direct messages (DMs) since the app does not yet have direct messaging features. That means you cannot privately communicate with your friends. Well, don’t worry if Threads does not include that feature. Below we have discussed some steps for how you can do so!

How to Direct Messages (Dm) On Threads?

Go through these steps to privately message your fellows on the threads app. 

Step 1: Getting to a user’s profile

You must view a user’s profile to DM them on Threads. Open the app, seek a “thread” from that individual on the main page, and tap on their profile picture to view it. You can also view their profile using the search function to locate their account.

user’s profile

Step 2: Tap the Instagram Icon

When you visit the user’s profile page, you’ll notice an Instagram icon to the top-right of their name and bio. This indicator denotes the presence of a related Instagram account for the user. Threads will take you to their Instagram account when you tap the icon.

press instagram icon 

Step 3: Direct Messaging on Instagram

Congratulations! You’ve reached the end of the process. After being forwarded to the user’s Instagram page, you can now take advantage of Instagram’s comprehensive direct messaging function. On their Instagram profile, locate the message button and tap it to send a direct message.

instagram dm


Overall, Meta’s Instagram app Threads may be comparable to Twitter. It offers a distinctive communication experience. You can still converse privately using the above-mentioned procedures, even though the app doesn’t support direct messaging. After being taken to the user’s Instagram profile, Meta will allow you to communicate privately with your friends and loved ones using Instagram’s feature-rich direct messaging system.


John Doe

John Doe

I am John, a tech enthusiast with a knack for breaking down complex camera, audio, and video technology. My expertise extends to social media and electronic gadgets, and I thrive on making the latest tech trends understandable and exciting for everyone. Sharing my knowledge through engaging content, I aim to connect with fellow tech lovers and novices alike, bringing the fascinating world of technology to life.

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